Stripe Connect
Supported Features:
- Credit Card Transactions
- Merchant Import
- BETA - Merchant Onboarding
- BETA - Transaction Import
Setting Up Platform Connection
When setting up the platform connection for Stripe Connect you will need to provide both:
- Public Key
- Secret Key
Note that Preczn will validate that production keys are not used in test mode and vice versa.
Support of Restricted Keys
Stripe supports the use of Restricted Keys that provide limited access. Due to the amount of configurability with Stripe restricted keys, Preczn cannot guarantee all functionality for data imports, onboarding, or transactions will function as this is dependent on how the key is configured.
If you must use a restricted key, the
All Connect Resources
properties must be configured to Read in order for key verification to workBy utilizing Stripe's "Standard Key" by selecting "Building your own integration", you will be able to create a separate and additional key from your current production key; while still being able to disable the keys you furnish to Preczn should you ever need to.
Adding Merchant Credentials:
Creating Merchants with Bulk Import via Connection API is the preferred method to automatically import merchants, their details, and credentials. Should you need to manage an individual merchant's credentials, you can use the following method:
Once the Stripe Connect credentials are entered:
- You may manage individual merchant credentials by selecting the gray Stripe Connect icon on the merchant vault.
- Select "Edit" in the upper right corner and enter the connected account ID in the space provided.
- Click "Save", allow the verification to complete, and your merchant will now be connected.
Updated 1 day ago