Boarding Forms

Preczn is built to ease the collection and distribution of Merchant Data for your Vertical SaaS Platform.
Preczn Boarding Forms allow your platform to collect all the required merchant data, files, and terms of service necessary to onboard to your selected connections.

All the data collection is done with no PII touching your servers, and can be implemented with both no-code and low-code options depending on your needs.

How Do Boarding Forms Work

Each boarding form that is generated is a combination of existing merchant data evaluated against the requirements and terms of service for specific connection that are customized to your brand(s) experience.

Boarding forms are compromised of 6 sections that the merchant complete in order to have all the data necessary to onboard to a connection.

Business InfoYesBusiness Information such as Address, Tax Information, Transactional Volumes, etc
ContactsYesBusiness Contacts and Owners including Supporting Documentation
BankingYesBusiness Banking Information and Supporting Documentation
AttachmentsYesSupporting documentation such as Business Licenses, SS4, Etc
T&CsOptionalConnection Terms of Service and Your Businesses Terms of Service
ReviewYesSummary of All Data

While Preczn offers many data fields and files that your merchant enter, the fields that are required to complete a form are specific to those which are needed to complete underwriting with your connection.

As your merchant progress through the form, Preczn will save the data from one section to the next. This way, if the merchant abandons the form midway, the merchant does not need to restart.

As a result, Preczn evaluates your merchant data each time the boarding form loads and starts your merchant on the section that needs additional information. As an example:

  • If your merchant record already has all the Business Info necessary to onboard to Connection A, then boarding form will start at Contacts since is additional information is required
  • If you merchant record already has all necessary data, but is missing Terms & Conditions signature, the boarding form will start the user on that page.

Once your merchant completes their boarding form, Preczn will redirect the merchant to the URL of your choosing.

Setting Up Your Merchant Boarding Form

In order to start using boarding forms, you will need to Configure Domains for Preczn to use and create your Boarding Form Templates.

Configuring Domain(s)

Boarding forms will be generated with the URLs of your platform/brands in order to increase the credibility and likelihood of completion.

A typical boarding form URL would look like the following:

While the URL will be your platform/brands, all data will be served and returned to Preczn servers.

In order to setup a boarding form using your domain, you will need to do the following:

  • Create a sub domain that is specifically used for boarding form. The sub domain may be of your choosing, but must be a subdomain.

  • Create a CNAME record pointing to

  • Notify Preczn the CNAME record is live. At this point an approval email will be sent to your admin emails. Our service will send an email to the following possible emails (For more details, please refer to the following):

    • administrator@your_domain_name
    • hostmaster@your_domain_name
    • postmaster@your_domain_name
    • webmaster@your_domain_name
    • admin@your_domain_name
  • Approve the SSL certificate generation request send to the specified email

If you have multiple brands you will need to repeat this process for each brand that requires a boarding form.

Boarding Form Templates:

With your domains configured, you can now create Boarding Form Template(s).

Boarding Form Templates are used to define the style, return URLs, and configure terms of service for your boarding forms.
While at least 1 template is necessary to use boarding forms, you may optionally create different templates for different scenarios (ex. separate brands, data collection without terms of service, etc).

Every Form Template has the following parameters that can be set:

NameYesInternal Name for the Form. Used in Preczn Dashboard and returned with API
Heading LogoOptionalYour brands logo. JPG or PNG, 2 MB maximum
Heading TitleYesTitle to be display at the top of all pages. Typically your Brand Name
Heading Title ColorYesFont Color of the Title
Heading Accent ColorYesColor of the Header
Button Text ColorYesPrimary Button text color.
Button Accent ColorYesPrimary Button Color. Will be used as the secondary button font color
DomainYesDropdown of Configured Domains.
Return URLYesURL redirect for when the merchant has completed the boarding form
Expired Session URLYesURL redirect in the event that the Boarding Form has expired
Terms of Service URLOptionalURL with a your brands terms of service. Used to populate Terms of Services on the T&C section
Expiration in HoursYesDefaults to 24 hours. 1 Hour Minimum and 72 Hour Maximum
Display Terms and ConditionsYesWhether or not the T&Cs section will display or not for the boarding form. If yes both connection and your option Terms of Service will display.
Support TextOptionalText that will display under phone number
Support PhoneOptionalPhone Number that Users may call
Support URLOptionalWebsite Users May Visit
Support EmailOptionalSupport Email Users may contact

Boarding Form Support

The boarding form has an optional help modal that can be configured to assist users during the form completion process. This feature supports four fields: a phone number, a text field (which may be used to communicate contact service hours), a support email, and a support website.
It's important to note that all of these fields are optional. If you include one or more of them, they will be displayed within the modal. However, if you choose not to include any of them, the help modal will not appear.

Boarding Form Expiration

In order to keep your merchant data secure, all boarding forms come with an expiration.
Once the expiration time limit has been met, accessing the boarding form URL will redirect the user to the specified expired session URL.

Should you still need to collect data from a merchant after a boarding form link has expired, either retrieve a new URL via the API or retrieve a new URL from the Preczn Dashboard.

Retrieving Boarding Form Link

Retrieving Via API

To retrieve your boarding form templates for your platform, you may make the following request:


    "id": "formTemp_5jg1dx62za981aqkanv3cd99zh",
    "name": "Onboarding Form with T&Cs",
    "returnUrl" : "",
    "expirationUrl" : "",
    "expirationInHours": 24
    "id": "formTemp_5jg1dx62za981aqkanv3cd99zh",
    "name": "Onboarding Form without T&Cs",
    "returnUrl" : "",
    "expirationUrl" : "",
    "expirationInHours": 24

For use cases such as including boarding forms in your merchant portals or sending via Email, Preczn offers an endpoint to create boarding forms.


In order to create the form, you will need to past the merchant, the merchant's connection, and form template you wish to use in the request. The boarding form that is generated will us the templates styling and parameters when generated. Please note that these values cannot be changed once the form is created, if adjustments are desired please generate a new form.

Certain use cases require greater customize at the time of creation, such as specifying a customer specific redirect URL. As such the request may optionally include the following parameters to override the template:

  • returnURL
  • expirationURL
  • expirationInHours

Example Request

  "merchant":"mid_669fr1ervt9att2a8pev0m46ve " ,
  "connection":"midcon_what_6k022ss0jj8vp9g85xv1z357m7" ,
  "template": "formTemp_5jg1dx62za981aqkanv3cd99zh",
 ///Optional  "returnUrl" : "",
 ///Optional  "expirationnUrl" : "",
 ///Optional  "expirationInHours": 24
  "id": "form_1r6mzknjsr8twab2fy4h013esp",
  "formUrl": "{merchantName}",
  "expiresAt": "2022-11-23T19:13:23.772Z",,
	"returnUrl" : "",
	"expiredUrl" : "",
	"termsOfServiceUrl" : ""