Frequently Asked Questions
What is Preczn?
Preczn is a Fintech Operations platform that allows you to integrate payments, leverage multiple processors, and manage Merchants utilizing your vertical SaaS solution.
Is Preczn PCI Compliant?
Yes! Preczn is PCI DSS certified - our Attestation of Compliance (AOC) is available upon request. Additionally, our PaymentFields and Hosted checkout solutions can be utilized to reduce your PCI scope and remain compliant. For more information about how Preczn protects your data see here Preczn Data Security
What is PCI?
PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is a worldwide standard for the secure handling of payment card data, first crafted by the major payment card brands in order to help prevent payment card fraud and protect cardholder data. Compliance is achieved after businesses verifiably fulfill all PCI DSS requirements, which is obligatory for all entities that handle consumer credit card data.
Which Connections/processors does Preczn support?
Currently, Preczn offers Connections to: Payrix, PayPal, Braintree, Stripe, StripeConnect - with more processors being added. Reach out to us if your processor is not yet supported.
How do I find my Merchant's Preczn Merchant ID (MID)
A unique MID is generated for each Merchant when they are successfully loaded into your Merchant Portfolio.
The MID is located in the Merchant Portfolio and Merchant Vault under the "MID" column header.
Access your Merchant Portfolio and Merchant Vault through the "Merchants" tab of the left-side Navigation Menu.
What is a token?
Tokenization (also known as Card On File) is a secure way to store payment account information (credit card numbers, or bank account and routing numbers) with Preczn. The resulting token can be used in future transactions instead of sensitive payment account information. See Tokenization
How can I ensure my Affirm Lite transactions route to Stripe (or any specific processor)?
You can utilize our BIN Rules routing to send Affirm's virtual card BINs to the processor Connection of your choosing.
What is the difference between Void and Refund transactions?
A Void transaction will Void (effectively cancel) an existing transaction that has not yet been settled, and is available immediately after an Auth, Sale, Capture, or Refund transaction request is created.
Voids differ from Refund transactions in that Voids cancel a transaction that has not yet settled, and can be performed immediately after an erroneous transaction. In order to perform a Refund, the transaction must be settled - i.e. the transaction has "gone through"- usually as early as the next day. See Refund and Void
Updated over 1 year ago