Level II Data

Level II card data refers to a set of additional information that can be transmitted during a credit card transaction.
This data provides more information for credit cards in business, commercial, corporate, purchasing, and government, and enables qualified transactions to receive lower interchange rates for processing.

Qualification Requirements

Level II
In order for a transaction to qualify for Level II interchange rates, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Merchant must be processing under a Merchant Category Code that allows Level II interchange rates.
  • Transaction must be submit with an invoice number and valid tax amount.
    • 'Invoice' must not be empty
    • 'Tax' must be a number between 0.1 and 30% of the total transaction amount.
  • Transaction must be using a supported card type (e.g., Business or Corporate Card)

Note: Not all processors support Level II and Level III data. Please contact your Preczn sales team for additional information


  "merchantId": "mid_2zyd88xrnr90xskmjmqpd0x1vj",
  "type": "sale",
  "payment": {
    "number": "4321000000000012",
    "expiration": "1133",
    "cvv": "123"
  "amount": 110,
  "tax": 10,
  "firstName": "Bob",
  "lastName": "Johnson",
  "billingAddress": {
    "address": "123 Drive Way",
    "address2": "Unit 2",
    "city": "New York City",
    "region": "NY",
    "postal": "10001",
    "country": "USA"
  "order": "123ABC",
  "invoice": "123ABC"

Supported Connections

The following connections support Level II Data:

  • Adyen
  • Authorize.net
  • MerchantE
  • Payrix

Please notify Preczn if there is a connection that you would desire support for level II data support.

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