
Used to confirm a payment method is valid ahead of a future or following transaction.

A Verify transaction is a type of transaction in which a customer’s provided payment card is validated. This is handled differently at each processor, but is most often accomplished by performing an authorization for $0.00 on the provided account in order to determine its validity.

It is common to use a Verify transaction type when attempting to validate payment card information, represented by a single-use token obtained using a PaymentFields Integration, and to exchange that single-use token for a multi-use token which to store for later re-use.


Multi-use Token Note

In order to receive a multi-use token in response to an approved verify transaction, you must include the ?tokenize=true query parameter in your Process Transaction request.

To learn more about Tokens, please see Tokenization

API Request Example

A Verify transaction can be created by calling our POST /v1/transactions API endpoint and providing verify for the value of the type property.

Below is a Verify transaction example with the minimum required fields, that was routed to Stripe as a processor:

    "merchantId": "mid_2zyd88xrnr90xskmjmqpd0x1vj",
    "type": "verify",
    "payment": {
        "number": "4321000000000012",
        "cvv": "123",
        "expiration": "1235"
    "authorization": {
        "avs": "U",
        "cvv": "M",
        "processorCode": "approved_by_network",
        "processorMessage": "Payment complete.",
        "processorTransactionId": "ch_3MeKMMAzKBz0Hugp0OhsoRNi",
        "status": "A"
    "createdOn": "2023-04-10T12:51:55Z",
    "currency": "USD",
    "fee": 0,
    "id": "txn_h1rn8c9nd81y9bkgzax2k2rax",
    "merchantId": "mid_2zyd88xrnr90xskmjmqpd0x1vj",
    "payment": {
        "bin": "432100",
        "brand": "VISA",
        "last4": "0012",
        "type": "CREDIT"
    "plan": {
        "id": "plan_57jaev7pna8nftrkr6xksaastw",
        "name": "Stripe Only Plan"
    "platformId": "pfm_7aj2pxrrcg8zs8x6cxyyrwmyqe",
    "processor": {
        "id": "midCon_6v59stftbs837axmpahj21m8jf",
        "name": "Stripe"
    "type": "verify"