2/19/2025 Release (Tentative)

New Features

High Ticket Property

  • Preczn now supports a new property called highTicket. This property represents the highest-priced sale value for a single transaction that a merchant will process.
  • highTicket will be required for onboarding to Rainforest (available in a future release).
  • highTicket is accessible in the Merchant Details section of the Dashboard, via the Merchant API, through forms, and is included in webhook responses if the property is set.
Preczn `highTicket` Propertys

Preczn highTicket Property


Attachments - Remove Metadata from image

  • Due to conflicts with downstream connections not accepting images that contain metadata, after this release all images that are uploaded will not remove metadata as the image is stored.

Merchant Details - Loans expand to show customer data

  • The loans tab on the merchant details screen now operates in the same manner at the loan log, allowing users to expand the loan to see additional customer data.


  • Resolved a UX bug on forms where selecting [enter] key while a data input field would trigger the dialog box to upload an attachment